Sierra Nevada

These images were taken on a short trip to the East side of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in March 2015 predominantly in California.  The car journey took me from San Francisco via Sacramento and Lake Tahoe first to Carson City and Virginia City (both in Nevada) before heading south on US395 past Mammoth to my small cabin by Convict Lake.  This was my central base for the short four day shoot; I had intended to try some time-lapse photography, but as nothing moves in a ghost town or the desert, in hindsight that was a pretty daft idea!

I’ve been trying to visit Bodie for some years, but getting over to East Sierra Nevada and back is a two day drive and once I had traversed the mountains it made sense to drive another day further south to visit one of the driest, hottest places on the planet – Death Valley (elevation 200ft below sea level).  As it was March, I thought the desert might be somewhat cooler; well, if 40+ Celsius is cooler, I’d not advise going in the summer!

I was glad that snow fall the previous Winter was very light as this allowed me to drive straight into Bodie, a gold-mining ghost town (elevation 8,375ft).  I spent a full day there until the park closed at 4:00pm; it was thus not possible to stay for Golden Hour.



Mono Lake where I trudged trough 2 miles of wet saline grasses and bogs to get that shot.  The clocks went back an hour so I completely mistimed sunset and stood for 90minutes in the freezing cold.  I hope the shot was worth it!
A few shots of Death Valley.

I spent my last day around Mono Lake, I found a better spot, but the sunset wasn’t very impressive.  It gave me the time to explore my intervalometer with some long time exposures.

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